Friday, 12 October 2012

Little bit busy you see.

Hello friends,

Ashamedly, this is our first post of October(aha cringe). Never the less we shall try to provide you with something that is ummmm good (?).
In fact, what we'll do is splurge out thoughts about the past 29 years (thats about the last time we posted right?).

This is what Ammie has neglected the Earthlings for:

-Sixth form !!!!!!!!!!! I don't know why I am soo excited, A-levels are well hard. For anyone who cares, I am doing English Lit, Spanish, Philosophy and Maths (Statistics DEFINITELY not Mechanics). Dudes English Lit is AWESOME. Regular (and very loyal) readers will know that I am a BookDork, and so naturally when I was asked to write an essay in the first lesson I was just like "yo" B). We're studying the Great Gatsby and also Rossetti for poetry (so far).

- Paralympics is durnnn (very durnnn), but wowzer I loved it. I'm not really a sports lover, but I was more than inspired (I mean the word 'inspired' seems so... not right, I was more than inspired). Nathan Stephens was definitely the hero in my eyes for these games, I love his mentality and positiveness, he is the Gold medalist in my eyes.

- Had a job interview for Holland and Barrett, and ended up getting the job. (Five second party!!). I initially thought that it would be the type of job that I could sit and study whilst 1 customer a day comes moaning along. Wrong. I can say that I have plenty of customers moaning along to keep me going.

- Blogspiration #001: Okies I was rummaging through 'cos its the bees knees' blog and I came across two "hajgavamhd" posts.

Genius post number one was DIY custard creams. The best thing is that these custard creams are healthier, and you only need 5 INGREDIENTS!!! And Genius post number two was DIY slogan tee. Everyone check out their blog! I made this DIY tee for my aunty. I madly need to get one of these tees for myself, I would love to write a 90's jam song lyric on my tee! (and yeah blogspiration will become a regular feature. your welcome)

- Started a Sixth-Form school Magazine (no biggie voice). Thats going really well, being the Editor is SUCH a huge responsibility though. But you know what, if I am going to have a chance at being a Journalist I really have to take on this responsibility with the scariest amount of enthusiasm. I dont actually think that I have ever informed you guys about my ambition of enterring the world of Journalism. Well now you know. If any of you lovelies have any tips on getting into the industry, do share !
- I should probably add some fashiony stuff. I went through a phase where I loved hard core 60's dresses last month. Now I am in drastic desire of a certain burgandy polo jumper that I saw in H&M. We haven't done any outfit posts in a while ... hmmmm do expect some.

Thats me done, back to Philosophy homework...

Lets us re-connect together Earthlings! I have not forgotten about you - not just yet now muwahaha (evil laugh). Yes yes I know, its bad to laugh at your own joke…well who cares?! ANYWAYY heyy (: I missed the excitement of making a new post. But you know why we haven’t, it’s that wonderful thing we’re all secretly grateful for, school! So yes, its 6th form time and I am studying: Maths (Statistics), History, Government & Politics and Business Studies. From this, I am very sure that I want to become a politician *yeaah buddy*, its quite interesting I’d have to say. How this country is governed, how and why we have the electoral system etc, though I wont bore you with this okay?! I saved you. Well as you can see, well read, my life is not as exciting as dear Ammie’s.

Ahhh let me think…

-Made some cool new friends. So happy that we have new Earthlings in our school, you know, to widen these small horizons Greenford has given us. Not that I’m complaining, I don’t want everyone to know me, please!!! *yes I was joking* I really need to work on some jokes, so not the bomb. LOL when an attractive guy only talks to you about homework, how do you feel?! Sighhh…

-To my D.I.Y people on the net !! Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you lovelies. The amount of DIY’s I have planned is mind blowing! It will LITERALLY blow awayyyyyy. So stay tuned folks.

-Following from that, I am EDITORS ASSISTANT for the school magazine *happy dances* its so radical dude. No seriously, you will wish you came to our school to read it. It will be the bomb; I have faith in it you see. Our team is just like bread and butter, we just mix so well. We are truly on fire. MY part in the mag is mainly about DIY and then helping everyone else with theirs – duhhhhh. I state the obvious too much.

-OMG SLAP ME NOW! Firstly, for my TOWIE fans, I saw Joey Essex in Stratford Westfield. Yes I know, you’re well jel! Though I didn’t speak to him, you know because I didn’t like the way I looked and simply just didn’t want to. Ha! Secondly, for my MJ family out there, at Stratford Westfield The Getty Images Gallery is holing this event: The Collection of Tompkins & Bush: Michael Jackson Wardrobe! It features some of his iconic outfits and the famous diamond glove *dies*. From the 5th October – 4th November! Here’s the link so you can read more about it. I will be there so expect a post about the amazing trip!

Well, like I said before, it was very nice re-connecting with you guys. I feel more complete *wipes joyful tear* God bless, take care and other such ramblings ♥

Ammie+Sharrie xx